package emu.grasscutter.command.commands; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import emu.grasscutter.command.Command; import emu.grasscutter.command.CommandHandler; import; import; import; import; import emu.grasscutter.server.packet.send.PacketEntityFightPropUpdateNotify; @Command( label = "setStats", aliases = {"stats", "stat"}, usage = { "[set] ", "(lock|freeze) []", // Can lock to current value "(unlock|unfreeze) "}, permission = "player.setstats", permissionTargeted = "player.setstats.others") public final class SetStatsCommand implements CommandHandler { private static class Stat { String name; FightProperty prop; public Stat(FightProperty prop) { = prop.toString(); this.prop = prop; } public Stat(String name, FightProperty prop) { = name; this.prop = prop; } } private static enum Action { ACTION_SET("commands.generic.set_to", "commands.generic.set_for_to"), ACTION_LOCK("commands.setStats.locked_to", "commands.setStats.locked_for_to"), ACTION_UNLOCK("commands.setStats.unlocked", "commands.setStats.unlocked_for"); public final String messageKeySelf; public final String messageKeyOther; private Action(String messageKeySelf, String messageKeyOther) { this.messageKeySelf = messageKeySelf; this.messageKeyOther = messageKeyOther; } } private Map stats; public SetStatsCommand() { this.stats = new HashMap<>(); for (String key : FightProperty.getShortNames()) { this.stats.put(key, new Stat(FightProperty.getPropByShortName(key))); } // Full FightProperty enum that won't be advertised but can be used by devs // They have a prefix to avoid the "hp" clash for (FightProperty prop : FightProperty.values()) { String name = prop.toString().substring(10); // FIGHT_PROP_BASE_HP -> _BASE_HP String key = name.toLowerCase(); // _BASE_HP -> _base_hp name = name.substring(1); // _BASE_HP -> BASE_HP this.stats.put(key, new Stat(name, prop)); } // Compatibility aliases this.stats.put("mhp", this.stats.get("maxhp")); this.stats.put("hp", new Stat(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP)); // Overrides FIGHT_PROP_HP this.stats.put("atk", new Stat(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_ATTACK)); // Overrides FIGHT_PROP_ATTACK this.stats.put("atkb", new Stat(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_BASE_ATTACK)); // This doesn't seem to get used to recalculate ATK, so it's only useful for stuff like Bennett's buff. this.stats.put("eanemo", this.stats.get("anemo%")); this.stats.put("ecryo", this.stats.get("cryo%")); this.stats.put("edendro", this.stats.get("dendro%")); this.stats.put("edend", this.stats.get("dendro%")); this.stats.put("eelectro", this.stats.get("electro%")); this.stats.put("eelec", this.stats.get("electro%")); this.stats.put("ethunder", this.stats.get("electro%")); this.stats.put("egeo", this.stats.get("geo%")); this.stats.put("ehydro", this.stats.get("hydro%")); this.stats.put("epyro", this.stats.get("pyro%")); this.stats.put("ephys", this.stats.get("phys%")); } public static float parsePercent(String input) throws NumberFormatException { if (input.endsWith("%")) { return Float.parseFloat(input.substring(0, input.length()-1))/100f; } else { return Float.parseFloat(input); } } @Override public void execute(Player sender, Player targetPlayer, List args) { String statStr = null; String valueStr; float value = 0f; if (args.size() < 2) { sendUsageMessage(sender); return; } // Get the action and stat String arg0 = args.remove(0).toLowerCase(); Action action = switch (arg0) { default -> {statStr = arg0; yield Action.ACTION_SET;} // Implicit set command case "set" -> Action.ACTION_SET; // Explicit set command case "lock", "freeze" -> Action.ACTION_LOCK; case "unlock", "unfreeze" -> Action.ACTION_UNLOCK; }; if (statStr == null) { statStr = args.remove(0).toLowerCase(); } if (!stats.containsKey(statStr)) { sendUsageMessage(sender); // Invalid stat or action return; } Stat stat = stats.get(statStr); EntityAvatar entity = targetPlayer.getTeamManager().getCurrentAvatarEntity(); Avatar avatar = entity.getAvatar(); // Get the value if the action requires it try { switch (action) { case ACTION_LOCK: if (args.isEmpty()) { // Lock to current value value = avatar.getFightProperty(stat.prop); break; } // Else fall-through and lock to supplied value case ACTION_SET: value = parsePercent(args.remove(0)); break; case ACTION_UNLOCK: break; } } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, "commands.generic.invalid.statValue"); return; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ignored) { sendUsageMessage(sender); return; } if (!args.isEmpty()) { // Leftover arguments! sendUsageMessage(sender); return; } switch (action) { case ACTION_SET: entity.setFightProperty(stat.prop, value); entity.getWorld().broadcastPacket(new PacketEntityFightPropUpdateNotify(entity, stat.prop)); break; case ACTION_LOCK: avatar.getFightPropOverrides().put(stat.prop.getId(), value); avatar.recalcStats(); break; case ACTION_UNLOCK: avatar.getFightPropOverrides().remove(stat.prop.getId()); avatar.recalcStats(); break; } // Report action if (FightProperty.isPercentage(stat.prop)) { valueStr = String.format("%.1f%%", value * 100f); } else { valueStr = String.format("%.0f", value); } if (targetPlayer == sender) { CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, action.messageKeySelf,, valueStr); } else { String uidStr = targetPlayer.getAccount().getId(); CommandHandler.sendTranslatedMessage(sender, action.messageKeyOther,, uidStr, valueStr); } return; } }