package; import; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap; public enum PlayerProperty { PROP_EXP (1001), PROP_BREAK_LEVEL (1002), PROP_SATIATION_VAL (1003), PROP_SATIATION_PENALTY_TIME (1004), PROP_LEVEL (4001), PROP_LAST_CHANGE_AVATAR_TIME (10001), PROP_MAX_SPRING_VOLUME (10002), // Maximum volume of the Statue of the Seven for the player [0, 8500000] PROP_CUR_SPRING_VOLUME (10003), // Current volume of the Statue of the Seven [0, PROP_MAX_SPRING_VOLUME] PROP_IS_SPRING_AUTO_USE (10004), // Auto HP recovery when approaching the Statue of the Seven [0, 1] PROP_SPRING_AUTO_USE_PERCENT (10005), // Auto HP recovery percentage [0, 100] PROP_IS_FLYABLE (10006), // Are you in a state that disables your flying ability? e.g. new player [0, 1] PROP_IS_WEATHER_LOCKED (10007), PROP_IS_GAME_TIME_LOCKED (10008), PROP_IS_TRANSFERABLE (10009), PROP_MAX_STAMINA (10010), // Maximum stamina of the player (0 - 24000) PROP_CUR_PERSIST_STAMINA (10011), // Used stamina of the player (0 - PROP_MAX_STAMINA) PROP_CUR_TEMPORARY_STAMINA (10012), PROP_PLAYER_LEVEL (10013), PROP_PLAYER_EXP (10014), PROP_PLAYER_HCOIN (10015), // Primogem (-inf, +inf) // It is known that Mihoyo will make Primogem negative in the cases that a player spends // his gems and then got a money refund, so negative is allowed. PROP_PLAYER_SCOIN (10016), // Mora [0, +inf) PROP_PLAYER_MP_SETTING_TYPE (10017), // Do you allow other players to join your game? [0=no 1=direct 2=approval] PROP_IS_MP_MODE_AVAILABLE (10018), // 0 if in quest or something that disables MP [0, 1] PROP_PLAYER_WORLD_LEVEL (10019), // [0, 8] PROP_PLAYER_RESIN (10020), // Original Resin [0, +inf) PROP_PLAYER_WAIT_SUB_HCOIN (10022), PROP_PLAYER_WAIT_SUB_SCOIN (10023), PROP_IS_ONLY_MP_WITH_PS_PLAYER (10024), // Is only MP with PlayStation players? [0, 1] PROP_PLAYER_MCOIN (10025), // Genesis Crystal (-inf, +inf) see 10015 PROP_PLAYER_WAIT_SUB_MCOIN (10026), PROP_PLAYER_LEGENDARY_KEY (10027), PROP_IS_HAS_FIRST_SHARE (10028), PROP_PLAYER_FORGE_POINT (10029), PROP_CUR_CLIMATE_METER (10035), PROP_CUR_CLIMATE_TYPE (10036), PROP_CUR_CLIMATE_AREA_ID (10037), PROP_CUR_CLIMATE_AREA_CLIMATE_TYPE (10038), PROP_PLAYER_WORLD_LEVEL_LIMIT (10039), PROP_PLAYER_WORLD_LEVEL_ADJUST_CD (10040), PROP_PLAYER_LEGENDARY_DAILY_TASK_NUM (10041), PROP_PLAYER_HOME_COIN (10042), // Realm currency [0, +inf) PROP_PLAYER_WAIT_SUB_HOME_COIN (10043); private final int id; private static final Int2ObjectMap map = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); static { Stream.of(values()).forEach(e -> map.put(e.getId(), e)); } PlayerProperty(int id) { = id; } public int getId() { return id; } public static PlayerProperty getPropById(int value) { return map.getOrDefault(value, null); } }