package; import; import emu.grasscutter.Grasscutter; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import emu.grasscutter.scripts.SceneIndexManager; import emu.grasscutter.utils.FileUtils; import emu.grasscutter.utils.JsonUtils; import emu.grasscutter.utils.TsvUtils; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.Pair; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArraySet; import lombok.val; import org.reflections.Reflections; import*; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import static emu.grasscutter.utils.FileUtils.getDataPath; import static emu.grasscutter.utils.FileUtils.getResourcePath; import static emu.grasscutter.utils.Language.translate; public class ResourceLoader { private static final Set loadedResources = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); // Get a list of all resource classes, sorted by loadPriority public static List> getResourceDefClasses() { Reflections reflections = new Reflections(ResourceLoader.class.getPackage().getName()); Set classes = reflections.getSubTypesOf(GameResource.class); List> classList = new ArrayList<>(classes.size()); classes.forEach(o -> { Class c = (Class) o; if (c.getAnnotation(ResourceType.class) != null) { classList.add(c); } }); classList.sort((a, b) -> b.getAnnotation(ResourceType.class).loadPriority().value() - a.getAnnotation(ResourceType.class).loadPriority().value()); return classList; } // Get a list containing sets of all resource classes, sorted by loadPriority protected static List>> getResourceDefClassesPrioritySets() { val reflections = new Reflections(ResourceLoader.class.getPackage().getName()); val classes = reflections.getSubTypesOf(GameResource.class); val priorities = ResourceType.LoadPriority.getInOrder(); Grasscutter.getLogger().debug("Priorities are "+priorities); val map = new LinkedHashMap>>(priorities.size()); priorities.forEach(p -> map.put(p, new HashSet<>())); classes.forEach(c -> { // val c = (Class) o; val annotation = c.getAnnotation(ResourceType.class); if (annotation != null) { map.get(annotation.loadPriority()).add(c); } }); return List.copyOf(map.values()); } private static boolean loadedAll = false; public static void loadAll() { if (loadedAll) return; Grasscutter.getLogger().info(translate("messages.status.resources.loading")); // Load ability lists loadAbilityEmbryos(); loadOpenConfig(); loadAbilityModifiers(); // Load resources loadResources(true); // Process into depots GameDepot.load(); // Load spawn data and quests loadGadgetConfigData(); loadSpawnData(); loadQuests(); loadScriptSceneData(); // Load scene points - must be done AFTER resources are loaded loadScenePoints(); // Load default home layout loadHomeworldDefaultSaveData(); loadNpcBornData(); loadBlossomResources(); cacheTalentLevelSets(); Grasscutter.getLogger().info(translate("messages.status.resources.finish")); loadedAll = true; } public static void loadResources() { loadResources(false); } public static void loadResources(boolean doReload) { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); val errors = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue>(); // Logger in a parallel stream will deadlock getResourceDefClassesPrioritySets().forEach(classes -> { .parallel().unordered() .forEach(c -> { val type = c.getAnnotation(ResourceType.class); if (type == null) return; val map = GameData.getMapByResourceDef(c); if (map == null) return; try { loadFromResource(c, type, map, doReload); } catch (Exception e) { errors.add(Pair.of(Arrays.toString(, e)); } }); }); errors.forEach(pair -> Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Error loading resource file: " + pair.left(), pair.right())); long endTime = System.nanoTime(); long ns = (endTime - startTime); //divide by 1000000 to get milliseconds. Grasscutter.getLogger().debug("Loading resources took "+ns+"ns == "+ns/1000000+"ms"); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") protected static void loadFromResource(Class c, ResourceType type, Int2ObjectMap map, boolean doReload) throws Exception { val simpleName = c.getSimpleName(); if (doReload || !loadedResources.contains(simpleName)) { for (String name : { loadFromResource(c, FileUtils.getExcelPath(name), map); } loadedResources.add(simpleName); } } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) protected static void loadFromResource(Class c, Path filename, Int2ObjectMap map) throws Exception { val results = switch (FileUtils.getFileExtension(filename)) { case "json" -> JsonUtils.loadToList(filename, c); case "tsj" -> TsvUtils.loadTsjToListSetField(c, filename); case "tsv" -> TsvUtils.loadTsvToListSetField(c, filename); default -> null; }; if (results == null) return; results.forEach(o -> { GameResource res = (GameResource) o; res.onLoad(); map.put(res.getId(), res); }); } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) protected static void loadFromResource(Class c, String fileName, Int2ObjectMap map) throws Exception { JsonUtils.loadToList(getResourcePath("ExcelBinOutput/" + fileName), c).forEach(o -> { GameResource res = (GameResource) o; res.onLoad(); map.put(res.getId(), res); }); } public class ScenePointConfig { // Sadly this doesn't work as a local class in loadScenePoints() public Map points; } private static void loadScenePoints() { val pattern = Pattern.compile("scene([0-9]+)_point\\.json"); try { Files.newDirectoryStream(getResourcePath("BinOutput/Scene/Point"), "scene*_point.json").forEach(path -> { val matcher = pattern.matcher(path.getFileName().toString()); if (!matcher.find()) return; int sceneId = Integer.parseInt(; ScenePointConfig config; try { config = JsonUtils.loadToClass(path, ScenePointConfig.class); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } if (config.points == null) return; val scenePoints = new IntArrayList(); config.points.forEach((pointId, pointData) -> { val scenePoint = new ScenePointEntry(sceneId, pointData); scenePoints.add(pointId); pointData.setId(pointId); GameData.getScenePointIdList().add(pointId); GameData.getScenePointEntries().put(scenePoint.getName(), scenePoint); GameData.scenePointEntryMap.put((sceneId << 16) + pointId, scenePoint); pointData.updateDailyDungeon(); }); GameData.getScenePointsPerScene().put(sceneId, scenePoints); }); } catch (IOException e) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Scene point files cannot be found, you cannot use teleport waypoints!"); return; } } private static void cacheTalentLevelSets() { // All known levels, keyed by proudSkillGroupId GameData.getProudSkillDataMap().forEach((id, data) -> GameData.proudSkillGroupLevels .computeIfAbsent(data.getProudSkillGroupId(), i -> new IntArraySet()) .add(data.getLevel())); // All known levels, keyed by avatarSkillId GameData.getAvatarSkillDataMap().forEach((id, data) -> GameData.avatarSkillLevels.put((int) id, GameData.proudSkillGroupLevels.get(data.getProudSkillGroupId()))); // Maximum known levels, keyed by proudSkillGroupId GameData.proudSkillGroupLevels.forEach((id, set) -> GameData.proudSkillGroupMaxLevels.put((int) id, set.intStream().max().getAsInt())); } private static void loadAbilityEmbryos() { List embryoList = null; // Read from cached file if exists try { embryoList = JsonUtils.loadToList(getDataPath("AbilityEmbryos.json"), AbilityEmbryoEntry.class); } catch (Exception ignored) {} if (embryoList == null) { // Load from BinOutput val pattern = Pattern.compile("ConfigAvatar_(.+?)\\.json"); val l = new ArrayList(); try { Files.newDirectoryStream(getResourcePath("BinOutput/Avatar/"), "ConfigAvatar_*.json").forEach(path -> { val matcher = pattern.matcher(path.getFileName().toString()); if (!matcher.find()) return; String avatarName =; AvatarConfig config; try { config = JsonUtils.loadToClass(path, AvatarConfig.class); } catch (Exception e) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Error loading player ability embryos:", e); return; } if (config.abilities == null) return; int s = config.abilities.size(); AbilityEmbryoEntry al = new AbilityEmbryoEntry(avatarName, -> new String[s])); l.add(al); }); } catch (IOException e) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Error loading ability embryos: no files found"); return; } embryoList = l; try { GameDepot.setPlayerAbilities(JsonUtils.loadToMap(getResourcePath("BinOutput/AbilityGroup/AbilityGroup_Other_PlayerElementAbility.json"), String.class, AvatarConfig.class)); } catch (IOException e) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Error loading player abilities:", e); } } if (embryoList == null || embryoList.isEmpty()) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("No embryos loaded!"); return; } for (AbilityEmbryoEntry entry : embryoList) { GameData.getAbilityEmbryoInfo().put(entry.getName(), entry); } } // private static HashSet modifierActionTypes = new HashSet<>(); public static class AbilityConfigData { public AbilityData Default; } private static void loadAbilityModifiers() { // Load from BinOutput try (Stream paths = Files.walk(getResourcePath("BinOutput/Ability/Temp/"))) { paths.filter(Files::isRegularFile).filter(path -> path.toString().endsWith(".json")).forEach(ResourceLoader::loadAbilityModifiers); } catch (IOException e) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Error loading ability modifiers: ", e); return; } // System.out.println("Loaded modifiers, found types:"); // -> System.out.printf("%s, ", s)); // System.out.println("[End]"); } private static void loadAbilityModifiers(Path path) { try { JsonUtils.loadToList(path, AbilityConfigData.class).forEach(data -> loadAbilityData(data.Default)); } catch (IOException e) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Error loading ability modifiers from path " + path.toString() + ": ", e); return; } } private static void loadAbilityData(AbilityData data) { GameData.abilityDataMap.put(data.abilityName, data); val modifiers = data.modifiers; if (modifiers == null || modifiers.size() == 0) return; String name = data.abilityName; AbilityModifierEntry modifierEntry = new AbilityModifierEntry(name); modifiers.forEach((key, modifier) -> { Stream.ofNullable(modifier.onAdded).flatMap(Stream::of) // .map(action -> {modifierActionTypes.add(action.$type); return action;}) .filter(action -> action.type == AbilityModifierAction.Type.HealHP) .forEach(action -> modifierEntry.getOnAdded().add(action)); Stream.ofNullable(modifier.onThinkInterval).flatMap(Stream::of) // .map(action -> {modifierActionTypes.add(action.$type); return action;}) .filter(action -> action.type == AbilityModifierAction.Type.HealHP) .forEach(action -> modifierEntry.getOnThinkInterval().add(action)); Stream.ofNullable(modifier.onRemoved).flatMap(Stream::of) // .map(action -> {modifierActionTypes.add(action.$type); return action;}) .filter(action -> action.type == AbilityModifierAction.Type.HealHP) .forEach(action -> modifierEntry.getOnRemoved().add(action)); }); GameData.getAbilityModifiers().put(name, modifierEntry); } private static void loadSpawnData() { String[] spawnDataNames = {"Spawns.json", "GadgetSpawns.json"}; ArrayList spawnEntryMap = new ArrayList<>(); for (String name : spawnDataNames) { // Load spawn entries from file try (InputStreamReader reader = DataLoader.loadReader(name)) { // Add spawns to group if it already exists in our spawn group map spawnEntryMap.addAll(JsonUtils.loadToList(reader, SpawnGroupEntry.class)); } catch (Exception ignored) {} } if (spawnEntryMap.isEmpty()) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("No spawn data loaded!"); return; } HashMap> areaSort = new HashMap<>(); //key = sceneId,x,z , value = ArrayList for (SpawnGroupEntry entry : spawnEntryMap) { entry.getSpawns().forEach( s -> { s.setGroup(entry); GridBlockId point = s.getBlockId(); if (!areaSort.containsKey(point)) { areaSort.put(point, new ArrayList<>()); } areaSort.get(point).add(s); } ); } GameDepot.addSpawnListById(areaSort); } private static void loadOpenConfig() { // Read from cached file if exists List list = null; try { list = JsonUtils.loadToList(getDataPath("OpenConfig.json"), OpenConfigEntry.class); } catch (Exception ignored) {} if (list == null) { Map map = new TreeMap<>(); String[] folderNames = {"BinOutput/Talent/EquipTalents/", "BinOutput/Talent/AvatarTalents/"}; for (String folderName : folderNames) { try { Files.newDirectoryStream(getResourcePath(folderName), "*.json").forEach(path -> { try { JsonUtils.loadToMap(path, String.class, OpenConfigData[].class) .forEach((name, data) -> map.put(name, new OpenConfigEntry(name, data))); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } }); } catch (IOException e) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Error loading open config: no files found in " + folderName); return; } } list = new ArrayList<>(map.values()); } if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("No openconfig entries loaded!"); return; } for (OpenConfigEntry entry : list) { GameData.getOpenConfigEntries().put(entry.getName(), entry); } } private static void loadQuests() { try { Files.list(getResourcePath("BinOutput/Quest/")).forEach(path -> { try { val mainQuest = JsonUtils.loadToClass(path, MainQuestData.class); GameData.getMainQuestDataMap().put(mainQuest.getId(), mainQuest); } catch (IOException e) { } }); } catch (IOException e) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Quest data missing"); return; } try { val questEncryptionMap = GameData.getMainQuestEncryptionMap(); String path = "QuestEncryptionKeys.json"; try { JsonUtils.loadToList(getResourcePath(path), QuestEncryptionKey.class).forEach(key -> questEncryptionMap.put(key.getMainQuestId(), key)); } catch (IOException | NullPointerException ignored) {} try { DataLoader.loadList(path, QuestEncryptionKey.class).forEach(key -> questEncryptionMap.put(key.getMainQuestId(), key)); } catch (IOException | NullPointerException ignored) {} Grasscutter.getLogger().debug("Loaded {} quest keys.", questEncryptionMap.size()); } catch (Exception e) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Unable to load quest keys.", e); } Grasscutter.getLogger().debug("Loaded " + GameData.getMainQuestDataMap().size() + " MainQuestDatas."); } public static void loadScriptSceneData() { try { Files.list(getResourcePath("ScriptSceneData/")).forEach(path -> { try { GameData.getScriptSceneDataMap().put(path.getFileName().toString(), JsonUtils.loadToClass(path, ScriptSceneData.class)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } }); Grasscutter.getLogger().debug("Loaded " + GameData.getScriptSceneDataMap().size() + " ScriptSceneDatas."); } catch (IOException e) { Grasscutter.getLogger().debug("ScriptSceneData folder missing or empty."); return; } } private static void loadHomeworldDefaultSaveData() { val pattern = Pattern.compile("scene([0-9]+)_home_config\\.json"); try { Files.newDirectoryStream(getResourcePath("BinOutput/HomeworldDefaultSave"), "scene*_home_config.json").forEach(path -> { val matcher = pattern.matcher(path.getFileName().toString()); if (!matcher.find()) return; try { val sceneId = Integer.parseInt(; val data = JsonUtils.loadToClass(path, HomeworldDefaultSaveData.class); GameData.getHomeworldDefaultSaveData().put(sceneId, data); } catch (Exception ignored) {} }); Grasscutter.getLogger().debug("Loaded " + GameData.getHomeworldDefaultSaveData().size() + " HomeworldDefaultSaveDatas."); } catch (IOException e) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Failed to load HomeworldDefaultSave folder."); } } private static void loadNpcBornData() { try { Files.newDirectoryStream(getResourcePath("BinOutput/Scene/SceneNpcBorn/"), "*.json").forEach(path -> { try { val data = JsonUtils.loadToClass(path, SceneNpcBornData.class); if (data.getBornPosList() == null || data.getBornPosList().size() == 0) { return; } data.setIndex(SceneIndexManager.buildIndex(3, data.getBornPosList(), item -> item.getPos().toPoint())); GameData.getSceneNpcBornData().put(data.getSceneId(), data); } catch (IOException ignored) {} }); Grasscutter.getLogger().debug("Loaded " + GameData.getSceneNpcBornData().size() + " SceneNpcBornDatas."); } catch (IOException e) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Failed to load SceneNpcBorn folder."); } } private static void loadGadgetConfigData() { try { Files.newDirectoryStream(getResourcePath("BinOutput/Gadget/"), "*.json").forEach(path -> { try { GameData.getGadgetConfigData().putAll(JsonUtils.loadToMap(path, String.class, ConfigGadget.class)); } catch (Exception e) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("failed to load ConfigGadget entries for " + path.toString(), e); return; } }); Grasscutter.getLogger().debug("Loaded {} ConfigGadget entries.", GameData.getGadgetConfigData().size()); } catch (IOException e) { Grasscutter.getLogger().error("Failed to load ConfigGadget folder."); } } private static void loadBlossomResources() { try { GameDepot.setBlossomConfig(DataLoader.loadClass("BlossomConfig.json", BlossomConfig.class)); Grasscutter.getLogger().debug("Loaded BlossomConfig."); } catch (IOException e) { Grasscutter.getLogger().warn("Failed to load BlossomConfig."); } } // BinOutput configs public static class AvatarConfig { @SerializedName(value="abilities", alternate={"targetAbilities"}) public ArrayList abilities; } public static class AvatarConfigAbility { public String abilityName; public String toString() { return abilityName; } } private static class OpenConfig { public OpenConfigData[] data; } public static class OpenConfigData { public String $type; public String abilityName; @SerializedName(value="talentIndex", alternate={"OJOFFKLNAHN"}) public int talentIndex; @SerializedName(value="skillID", alternate={"overtime"}) public int skillID; @SerializedName(value="pointDelta", alternate={"IGEBKIHPOIF"}) public int pointDelta; } }