Commit c603093d authored by alt3ri's avatar alt3ri Committed by GitHub
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Replace SetHealth -> SetStats

Now you can set basic stats of your current character, but I left a little notice: Input and In-game output (character stats) are not really accurate. So to get an accurate stat:

For HP, ATK , DEF, Elemental Mastery (EM): input less than 10 digits. Example: /stats atk 81923 (81293 ATK)
For Energy Recharge (ER), Crit Rate, Crit DMG: input less than 6 digits(0-99999) to get the game current format. Example: /stats cdmg 14236 (142.4% Crit DMG)
(!) The modified stats will be set to default after you logged out.

Press F to pay respect to SetHealth (2022 - 2022)
parent d3889501
......@@ -455,30 +455,109 @@ public final class PlayerCommands {
@Command(label = "sethealth", aliases = {"sethp"},
usage = "sethealth <hp>", execution = Command.Execution.PLAYER, description = "Sets your health to the specified value",
permission = "player.sethealth")
public static class SetHealthCommand implements CommandHandler {
@Command(label = "setstats", aliases = {"stats"},
usage = "Usage: setstats|stats <hp|def|atk|em|er|crate|cdmg> <value>", execution = Command.Execution.PLAYER)
public static class SetStatsCommand implements CommandHandler {
public void execute(GenshinPlayer player, List<String> args) {
if (args.size() < 1) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "Usage: sethealth <hp>");
String stat = args.get(0);
CommandHandler.sendMessage(player, "Usage: setstats|stats <hp|def|atk|em|er|crate|cdmg> <value>");
case "hp":
try {
int health = Integer.parseInt(args.get(1));
EntityAvatar entity = player.getTeamManager().getCurrentAvatarEntity();
entity.setFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP, health);
entity.getWorld().broadcastPacket(new PacketEntityFightPropUpdateNotify(entity, FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP));
player.dropMessage("HP set to " + health + ".");
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "Invalid HP value.");
case "def":
try {
int health = Integer.parseInt(args.get(0));
int def = Integer.parseInt(args.get(1));
EntityAvatar entity = player.getTeamManager().getCurrentAvatarEntity();
if (entity == null)
entity.setFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_DEFENSE, def);
entity.getWorld().broadcastPacket(new PacketEntityFightPropUpdateNotify(entity, FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_DEFENSE));
player.dropMessage("DEF set to " + def + ".");
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "Invalid DEF value.");
case "atk":
try {
int atk = Integer.parseInt(args.get(1));
EntityAvatar entity = player.getTeamManager().getCurrentAvatarEntity();
entity.setFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_ATTACK, atk);
entity.getWorld().broadcastPacket(new PacketEntityFightPropUpdateNotify(entity, FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_ATTACK));
player.dropMessage("ATK set to " + atk + ".");
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "Invalid ATK value.");
case "em":
try {
int em = Integer.parseInt(args.get(1));
EntityAvatar entity = player.getTeamManager().getCurrentAvatarEntity();
entity.setFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_ELEMENT_MASTERY, em);
entity.getWorld().broadcastPacket(new PacketEntityFightPropUpdateNotify(entity, FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_ELEMENT_MASTERY));
player.dropMessage("Elemental Mastery set to " + em + ".");
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "Invalid EM value.");
case "er":
try {
float er = Integer.parseInt(args.get(1));
EntityAvatar entity = player.getTeamManager().getCurrentAvatarEntity();
float erecharge = er / 10000;
entity.setFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CHARGE_EFFICIENCY, erecharge);
entity.getWorld().broadcastPacket(new PacketEntityFightPropUpdateNotify(entity, FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CHARGE_EFFICIENCY));
float iger = erecharge * 100;
player.dropMessage("Energy recharge set to " + iger + "%.");
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "Invalid ER value.");
case "crate":
try {
float cr = Integer.parseInt(args.get(1));
EntityAvatar entity = player.getTeamManager().getCurrentAvatarEntity();
float crate = cr / 10000;
entity.setFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CRITICAL, crate);
entity.getWorld().broadcastPacket(new PacketEntityFightPropUpdateNotify(entity, FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CRITICAL));
float igcrate = crate * 100;
player.dropMessage("Crit Rate set to " + igcrate + "%.");
entity.setFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP, health);
new PacketEntityFightPropUpdateNotify(entity, FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CUR_HP));
player.dropMessage("Health set to " + health + ".");
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "Invalid health value.");
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "Invalid Crit Rate value.");
case "cdmg":
try {
float cdmg = Integer.parseInt(args.get(1));
EntityAvatar entity = player.getTeamManager().getCurrentAvatarEntity();
float cdamage = cdmg / 10000;
entity.setFightProperty(FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CRITICAL_HURT, cdamage);
entity.getWorld().broadcastPacket(new PacketEntityFightPropUpdateNotify(entity, FightProperty.FIGHT_PROP_CRITICAL_HURT));
float igcdmg = cdamage * 100;
player.dropMessage("Crit DMG set to " + igcdmg + "%");
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
CommandHandler.sendMessage(null, "Invalid Crit DMG value.");
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