| account | account <create\|delete><username> [UID] | | Server only | Creates an account with the specified username and the in-game UID for that account. The UID will be auto generated if not set. | |
| account | account <create\|delete>\<username> [UID] | | Server only | Creates an account with the specified username and the in-game UID for that account. The UID will be auto generated if not set. | |
| broadcast | broadcast <message> | server.broadcast | Both side | Sends a message to all the players. | b |
| broadcast | broadcast \<message> | server.broadcast | Both side | Sends a message to all the players. | b |
| coop | coop <playerId><targetplayerId> | server.coop | Both side | Forces someone to join the world of others. | |
| coop | coop \<playerId> \<target playerId> | server.coop | Both side | Forces someone to join the world of others. | |
| changescene | changescene <sceneid> | player.changescene | Client only | Switch scenes by scene ID. | scene |
| changescene | changescene \<scene id> | player.changescene | Client only | Switch scenes by scene ID. | scene |
| clearartifacts | clearartifacts | player.clearartifacts | Client only | Deletes all unequipped and unlocked level 0 artifacts, including 5-star rarity ones from your inventory. | clearart |
| clearartifacts | clearartifacts | player.clearartifacts | Client only | Deletes all unequipped and unlocked level 0 artifacts, including 5-star rarity ones from your inventory. | clearart |
| clearweapons | clearweapons | player.clearweapons | Client only | Deletes all unequipped and unlocked weapons, including 5-star rarity ones from your inventory. | clearwpns |
| clearweapons | clearweapons | player.clearweapons | Client only | Deletes all unequipped and unlocked weapons, including 5-star rarity ones from your inventory. | clearwpns |
| drop | drop <itemID\|itemName> [amount] | server.drop | Client only | Drops an item around you. | `d``dropitem` |
| drop | drop <itemID\|itemName> [amount] | server.drop | Client only | Drops an item around you. | `d``dropitem` |
| give | give [player] <itemId\|itemName> [amount] [level] [finement] | player.give | Both side | Gives item(s) to you or the specified player. (finement option only weapon.) | `g``item``giveitem` |
| give | give [player] <itemId\|itemName> [amount] [level] [finement] | player.give | Both side | Gives item(s) to you or the specified player. (finement option only weapon.) | `g``item``giveitem` |
| givechar | givechar <uid><avatarId> | player.givechar | Both side | Gives the player a specified character. | givec |
| givechar | givechar \<uid> \<avatarId> | player.givechar | Both side | Gives the player a specified character. | givec |
| giveart | giveart [player] \<artifactId> \<mainPropId> [\<appendPropId>[,\<times>]]... [level] | player.giveart | Both side | Gives the player a specified reliquary. | givea |
| giveall | giveall [uid] [amount] | player.giveall | Both side | Gives all items. | givea |
| giveall | giveall [uid] [amount] | player.giveall | Both side | Gives all items. | givea |
| godmode | godmode [uid] | player.godmode | Client only | Prevents you from taking damage. | |
| godmode | godmode [uid] | player.godmode | Client only | Prevents you from taking damage. | |
| heal | heal | player.heal | Client only | Heals all characters in your current team. | h |
| heal | heal | player.heal | Client only | Heals all characters in your current team. | h |
| help | help [command] | | Both side | Sends the help message or shows information about a specified command. | |
| help | help [command] | | Both side | Sends the help message or shows information about a specified command. | |
| kick | kick <player> | server.kick | Both side | Kicks the specified player from the server. (WIP) | k |
| kick | kick \<player> | server.kick | Both side | Kicks the specified player from the server. (WIP) | k |
| killall | killall [playerUid] [sceneId] | server.killall | Both side | Kills all entities in the current scene or specified scene of the corresponding player. | |
| killall | killall [playerUid] [sceneId] | server.killall | Both side | Kills all entities in the current scene or specified scene of the corresponding player. | |
| list | list | | Both side | Lists online players. | |
| list | list | | Both side | Lists online players. | |
| permission | permission <add\|remove><username><permission> | * | Both side | Grants or removes a permission for a user. | |
| permission | permission <add\|remove>\<username> \<permission> | * | Both side | Grants or removes a permission for a user. | |
| position | position | | Client only | Sends your current coordinates. | pos |
| position | position | | Client only | Sends your current coordinates. | pos |
| reload | reload | server.reload | Both side | Reloads the server config | |
| reload | reload | server.reload | Both side | Reloads the server config | |
| resetconst | resetconst [all] | player.resetconstellation | Client only | Resets the constellation level on your currently selected character, will need to relog after using the command to see any changes. | resetconstellation |
| resetconst | resetconst [all] | player.resetconstellation | Client only | Resets the constellation level on your currently selected character, will need to relog after using the command to see any changes. | resetconstellation |
| restart | | | Both side | Restarts the current session | |
| restart | | | Both side | Restarts the current session | |
| say | say <player><message> | server.sendmessage | Both side | Sends a message to a player as the server | `sendservmsg``sendservermessage``sendmessage` |
| say | say \<player> \<message> | server.sendmessage | Both side | Sends a message to a player as the server | `sendservmsg``sendservermessage``sendmessage` |
| setfetterlevel | setfetterlevel <level> | player.setfetterlevel | Client only | Sets the friendship level for your currently selected character | setfetterlvl |
| setfetterlevel | setfetterlevel \<level> | player.setfetterlevel | Client only | Sets the friendship level for your currently selected character | setfetterlvl |
| setstats | setstats <stat><value> | player.setstats | Client only | Sets a stat for your currently selected character | stats |
| setstats | setstats \<stat> \<value> | player.setstats | Client only | Sets a stat for your currently selected character | stats |
| setworldlevel | setworldlevel <level> | player.setworldlevel | Client only | Sets your world level (Relog to see proper effects) | setworldlvl |
| setworldlevel | setworldlevel \<level> | player.setworldlevel | Client only | Sets your world level (Relog to see proper effects) | setworldlvl |
| spawn | spanw <entityID\|entityName> [level] [amount] | server.spawn | Client only | Spawns an entity near you | |
| spawn | spanw <entityID\|entityName> [level] [amount] | server.spawn | Client only | Spawns an entity near you | |
| stop | stop | server.stop | Both side | Stops the server | |
| stop | stop | server.stop | Both side | Stops the server | |
| talent | talent <talentID><value> | player.settalent | Client only | Sets talent level for your currently selected character | |
| talent | talent \<talentID> \<value> | player.settalent | Client only | Sets talent level for your currently selected character | |
| teleport | teleport [@playerid] <x><y><z> [scene id] | player.teleport | Both side | Change the player's position. | tp |
| teleport | teleport [@playerUid] \<x> \<y> \<z> [sceneId] | player.teleport | Both side | Change the player's position. | tp |
| tpall | | player.tpall | Client only | Teleports all players in your world to your position | |
| tpall | | player.tpall | Client only | Teleports all players in your world to your position | |
| weather | weather <weatherID><climateID> | player.weather | Client only | Changes the weather | w |
| weather | weather \<weatherID> \<climateID> | player.weather | Client only | Changes the weather | w |
### Bonus
### Bonus
When you want to teleport to somewhere, use the ingame marking function on Map, click Confirm. You will see your
When you want to teleport to somewhere, use the ingame marking function on Map, click Confirm. You will see your
character falling from a very high destination, exact location that you marked.
character falling from a very high destination, exact location that you marked.
You can also specify a set Y coordinate by renaming the map marker.
# Quick Troubleshooting
# Quick Troubleshooting
* If compiling wasn't successful, please check your JDK installation (JDK 17 and validated JDK's bin PATH variable)
* If compiling wasn't successful, please check your JDK installation (JDK 17 and validated JDK's bin PATH variable)
* My client doesn't connect, doesn't login, 4206, etc... - Mostly your proxy daemon setup is *the issue*, if using
* My client doesn't connect, doesn't login, 4206, etc... - Mostly your proxy daemon setup is *the issue*, if using
Fiddler make sure it running on another port except 8888
Fiddler make sure it running on another port except 8888
@Command(label="giveart",usage="giveart [player] <artifactId> <mainPropId> [<appendPropId>[,<times>]]... [level]",description="Gives the player a specified reliquary",aliases={"givea"},permission="player.giveart")